Medical & Healthcare Disclaimer

The information contained within this website and articles are in no way shape or form medical advise. All Content across any platforms used by Forever Evolving Performance such as but not limited to content, articles, pictures, text, graphics is for non-specific information purposes only.

If you have a medical condition or have previously received directions from a medical/health care provider we strongly suggest you continue with such diagnosis and advise. Before starting any program or if you believe you may have a medical condition seek qualified medical advise.

The products, advise, recommendations on this website or any other platform that Forever Evolving Performance may use are absolutely not for diagnosing, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or to be used as professional advice for the alleviation of any specific injury, disease, or disability.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.