Alkaline water from trader joes

Is Alkaline Water Good For Your Health or All Hype?

Now in days everyone and every company are sharing and talking about all the benefits of Alkaline water. But is it improving your health or has it become a mainstream hype? Today we are going to discuss what exactly is alkaline water is and how its created and if it really something you should consider or stop drinking. ph scale acidic neutral alkaline

Understanding the PH scale

With all things in life, you find the good and the bad, night and day, yin and yang. What you consume daily has the same effect. The ph scale runs from 0-14, Lemons you will find to be at the lower end of the spectrum coming in at 2-3 ph making it acidic then you have foods like Spinach that come in at around 9-10 ph. On average water that comes from different sources including tap water, falls right in the middle at a neutral rate of 7. When alkaline water is produced it bumps the water ph from 7 to 8-9 or more on the Ph scale.

Is Alkaline water improving your health?

Alkaline water from trader joes

To date, there aren’t enough studies to conclude whether all the benefits that suppliers claim such as anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and the list goes on. Your body does a great job naturally at balancing the scales when consuming foods and drinks. Your blood ranges from 7.34-7.45 which is extremely narrow. So narrow that if the blood was to fall to say 6 Ph, one may be in a coma. It’s really interesting to also note your entire body from the stomach to various organs maintain their own level of Ph. Stomach Acid alone is at 2-3 on the Ph scale which allows you to breakdown foods for proper absorption of minerals, vitamins, proteins etc. This is where it gets interesting.

Stomach Acid Gets More Alkaline As We Age

As we age there are several factors that occur and one is that our stomach acid tends to become more alkaline. We then place more body fat onto our bodies and things start to change. Then you hear of individuals who are 50+ years of age consuming apple cider vinegar and their bowels are working better, bloating is minimized, arthritis pain minimized. It truly is amazing and also worth noting when they say diet is everything. It all starts in the stomach.

Personal Experience

There are a few ways to get Alkaline water. Through electrically charged artificial creation or filtration which includes minerals such as magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride, potassium just to name a few, or you can stop by your local store to pick up a bottle of alkaline water. I’ve purchased an RO system (reverse osmosis) which included a stage to upscale my water and bring it to an alkaline state but have since disconnected that stage.
I personally fell into the marketing of needing alkaline water that at first, I started to believe. Then when I started to get bloated, slower digestion. I started to think about what is going on? I started to take apple cider vinegar with my water and started to get back to normal. After a few months of consuming I went back to drinking my RO water but without a high PH and things started to normalize as I drank my naturally neutral water. Understand that your stomach needs to be acidic, where all the breakdown of your foods and drinks occur and messing with that initial Ph system within your body and adding a higher Ph into an environment that is supposed to be acidic may just be throwing your betterment to health off.

Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts

It’s always said, “if it’s not broken don’t fix it”. However in a quest for personal greatness, one can’t help themselves to experiment. Especially when everyone shares, tweets, or posts content revolving the benefits. What works or doesn’t work for one person doesn’t mean it may not work for you. Test yourself, test your urine as an example as it supposes to range from 5-6 but if it goes to 9 Ph understand that its no longer limiting overgrowth of microbes. This is just one example & easy to understand method of testing normally found when consuming alkaline water. If you deep down feel your benefiting and feeling great, the mind is a powerful thing but if you start to feel the opposite take a look at your water it may just be that missing overlooked link to getting you back on track. Until it’s concluded in more detail do what you feel is best for you and never stop evolving!

Medical/Healthcare Disclaimer & Affiliate Disclosure. This post may contain affiliate links.

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