Intermittent Fasting Plate with Time demonstration for gut health

Intermittent Fasting for Gut Health

Many people are familiar with the idea of fasting as a means to lose weight, and rightly so—the practice has been around for centuries, and it works. But have you ever heard of intermittent fasting? If not, you’re not alone—but don’t worry! This article will give you everything you need to know about this novel way to improve your gut health!

How Does Intermittent Fasting Help My Gut?

Recent research is proving that gut health and digestion are inextricably linked to overall health. In fact, your gut is involved in every bodily function, from how you process nutrients to immune system function. Intermittent fasting offers a slew of benefits, but gut health may be one of its best features.

When you fast intermittently, your body becomes more efficient at using fat as fuel—and over time, helps make you more resilient against stomach viruses, reducing inflammation, and improving gut flora. As you may naturally consume fewer calories and allow your body to “Rest & Digest”, IF has also been shown to improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity. Intermittent fasting is very promising for gut health and overall wellness. It has caught a lot of attraction over the last few years despite the practice being around for centuries. When done correctly you too can unlock the many rewarding benefits of IF and rejuvenate the digestive microbiome.

How Often Should I Fast on an IF Diet?time to diet for intermittent fasting

Choose a time frame that works best for you. If you’re new to fasting, begin with a 12-hour fast once or twice a week and gradually add more time. Intermittent fasting is based on personal preference so start slow and allow your body to adjust. In general, there are many different ways to incorporate intermittent fasting into your diet but a few common ones are 20:4 14:10 16:8. If you haven’t guessed it by now, let’s define 16:8 for a better understanding of these ratios. Simply put, 8 will be the hours open to your meals in which you may consume. So think of the kitchen only being open for the 8 hours you choose within the day. Once those 8 hours are up, you now are in your fasting, rest & digest phase where for 16 hours you don’t eat any meals or snacks and allow your body to complete its digestion cycle. Naturally, choose a time frame that works best for you! If you’re new to fasting, begin with a 12-hour fast once or twice a week and gradually add more time. Intermittent fasting is based on personal preference so start slow and allow your body to adjust. [mailpoet_form id=”3″]

Why Do People Use an IF Diet?

Intermittent fasting has many health benefits including weight loss, reducing inflammation, improving energy levels, cognitive performance, keeping your brain young, and much more. One may use an IF diet for several reasons: to lose weight, detox, and optimize one’s body. From reducing stomach problems to restoring mental clarity. For many, that decision to follow this diet in their daily lives makes sense; as we’ve seen, even bodybuilders follow the diet in order to see results for themselves and professional gain. Some who cleanse & restore seek out professional guidance to set up an intermittent fasting schedule while others will simply follow their bodies’ innate response to food and eating patterns. So decide on a goal and keep an open mind so you can work out what times are best for you, remember it’s your journey, not anyone else’s.


Who Can Benefit From Doing an IF Diet?

A lot of people can benefit from intermittent fasting. In particular, if you have gut health issues like irritable bowel syndrome or an autoimmune disease, an IF diet may help to improve your symptoms and overall gut health. There are also some serious benefits to consider, including improved insulin sensitivity. Intermittent fasting helps to decrease insulin levels in your body and make them more responsive to sugar. This is certainly a diet that has an invitation for the masses.

Final Thoughts on Inflammation and the Digestive systemFinal Thoughts

With gut health at an all-time low due to modern-day foods in many areas of our country, it is important to remember that there are tools out there for improving our overall wellness and keeping us running like a well-oiled machine. Intermittent fasting is one way to ensure gut health, but diet and exercise will also help keep your gut in good shape. Don’t forget: Drink water every day. No matter the form of exercise, stay active and keep your body moving! Also, instead of eating highly processed foods, make the most of your cooking, prepare the type of food you want to eat in restaurants at home, and cook a good amount so that you can have your healthy meals prepared for the next few days. Always look forward to a new diet/journey, start slow, and keep in mind that even small achievements can count if they make you feel better. Of course, you always want to seek medical guidance when starting any new diet or routine, so be sure to talk to your doctor about intermittent fasting before starting if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. It sounds like you want to give intermittent fasting a try for gut health and overall wellness, and we wish you the best on starting your new journey!


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