Dry Nose

How To Get Rid of Dry Nose | Winter Edition

So winter’s dry weather has given you the great gift of a dry nose? Was it low humidity? Too hot of an apartment? Or naturally just in for a dry nose? Well, there’s no one way to fix a dry nose but there is hope! Today we are going to cover 3 simple fixes that may drive your dry nose to finally heal.


Just how our skin responds to humidity it is very similar to the way our nose will respond. So the first order of business is to check your humidity by getting a humidity reader. I have one in my room and check it daily to adjust my humidifier before bed. This alone has worked wonders not only for my skin but for my breathing. Just think about how important sleep can be and all the benefits. Now sleeping in an optimized environment to promote recovery/healing within the body is a great way to start your day. Setting the right humidity in your room can not only help your lungs but your entire repository system. Aim for 40-50% Humidity.


If you have an old radiator that is just pumping out heat consistently in the winter, understand that maybe causing your nose to dry up as well. Dry heat can be rectified by lowering temperature via the handle or if not available covering your radiator with qualified materials. Studies have shown the optimal sleep temperature is 68 Degree (Fahrenheit) so aim to get a nice deep sleep without disturbing body temperature or drying your nose due to dry heat during winter months.

Last Helpful Remedy For Dry NoseCoconut oil for dry nose

Once you covered the top 2 areas of focus. We may now dive into a quick fix that will have your nose heading back in the right direction. It’s no secret the benefits of coconut oil. Can it begin to heal the nose and bring it back to the level it’s supposed to be and allow you to breathe better? YES!, Grab an organic unrefined coconut oil jar. Scrap a little onto a spoon and swab a Q-tip around. Once your Q-tip is nicely saturated, swab it around the inside of your nose. The mission is not to fill your nose with coconut oil but to introduce moisture and bring it back. Similar to how you may accidentally get oil on your fingers after cooking with it, and even after wiping it away it with a towel (not washing) still feels slippery? That is the level we’re seeking to work with.

Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts

I shared the first 2 items Humidity and Heat as they are the common factors to dry nose during winter months. It is those 2 items that require inspection. I could have just shared the coconut oil remedy first but if you have dry nose it’s happening for a reason. Yes, coconut oil will work wonders but you don’t always want to be relying on coconut oil as its just a cover-up to something else within your environment that may be causing the effect. Naturally, if your dry nose is brought on by a medical condition this may not work. However, if you never attempted these 3 simple steps to healing your respiratory system and allow it the environment to prosper and recover daily. I invite you to take a look and see if this provides any relief. I might also mention that you may try Saline but that tends to be a temporary fix but good to clean the nose of pollutants. All in all, as mentioned I invite you to scan your environment and allow your body to have the natural resources to heal and function properly.

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