Basal Metabolic Rate Basics for weight gain

How To Gain Weight Fast | Basal Metabolic Rate | Basics

lots of eating meals

Well Well, you just found yourself on the opposite side of Society. Currently Google’s hottest search topic is “weight loss fast” but if your like me or attempting to take on a Bulking Season. In this article we’ll go over the basics of how to gaining weight fast for muscle building purposes, BMR & all while taking a look at the good & the bad.

Understanding your Basal Metabolic Rate

Simply put BSR is your foundation of calories needed to function through out your day. Provided you have an active position in society (labor intensive work) you may want to add about 200-300 more calories to a calculation. If you sit at a desk this is a great starting line to begin your Body Building Bulking journey. So you don’t have to worry about calculations manually I’ve provided an easy to use, free tool that can provide you a rough estimate of your BSR.

Now that you’ve taken the time to gather your information you can begin to play the game “Calories In Calories Out”. In our case today it’s calories in. Normally you would add a nice 500+ Calories to that beautiful BSR number and test for a week. Usually that may yield about .5-1 lb per week. In personal training, whether yourself or clients it’s a constant adjustment game. So if I can give you one take away today its to understand that your workout and nutrition will have to constantly be adjusted at minimum on a monthly basis. See how you feel with an extra 500 calories and if it fits your goal after one week and adjust from there.

Personal Experience

So to share, come down to earth & level with my wonderful audience currently my BMR is 1862 but with my training, need for recovery and being that its seasonal I’m seeking to put on and feed my muscle with as much fuel as possible but without gaining to much body fat. When I say too much I mean .2-.6 maybe .7% at max of increased body fat.

The magic number for caloric intake per day is 3540 currently. Now to some that maybe alot, to some like myself believe that is a small number considering top athletes even cyclist consume over 6000 calories in a day. With my daily goal being reached I have been able to scale up and have my training come full circle.

Gaining Weight Fast = Lots Of Eating

At first depending on how much you looking to gain and how fast you may find yourself needing to “force feed” yourself unfortunately. It’s extremely common in the body building community and is not something I can recommend but am here to share my experience.

  1. When eating your meals try not to watch tv and just focus on eating the meal and getting it down.
  2. You don’t have to eat Multiple meals a day like some will suggest 3-4 big meals are good. Some do OMAD (one meal a day) now that is a bit much but if you can I applaud you!
  3. If you sleep at 10pm aim to finish your meals by 7pm so you can digest and rest comfortably. Have that much needed restorative sleep to recover and keep you at your A game.
  4. It’s normal to feel bloated you are taking in alot of calories your not use to taking.
  5. Expect to allocated more funds to your food bill as it will increase.
  6. May be hard at times but with meal prep it would make it easier to keep the diet clean.clean high calorie meal

Final Thoughts

This is why it goes hand it hand, Nutrition and Training. I like to call this working smart and efficient just like the workplace. Anyone can train hard but it’s those who take the extra steps needed such as learning your BMR and constantly adjusting your caloric intake as needed that will fuel their muscles and reward their hard work in the gym. Many believe muscle building is the amount of weight you lift when in fact its not, otherwise you would see individuals like Kai Greene bicep curling 100 lbs but instead curling 30 lbs. In upcoming post I will go over supplements that would aid digestion as it would be even better if you maximize absorption from the foods you eat, recovery and sleep. We will also dive into some bulking meals to give you some idea’s to achieve your goals!

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