Free Weights VS. Machines – Which is Right For Your Goals?

You’re ready to hit the gym, sign up, walk-in & notice all the opportunities available to help you reach your goals. Which would serve you better to achieve your goal, Machines, or Free weights? Each has its own position and should always be combined to ultimately have an overall body healthy/strong body.

Free weight exercises

Free weight training is far more effective for building muscle(Body Building) then machine exercises. These free movements provide no support when in comparison to machine exercises, which allows both primary and secondary muscles to be incorporated throughout the exercise. Free weights have the ability to offer you a more natural 3 dimension environment for functional exercise. It has also been shown to effectively burn more calories as more effort is required through the range of motion. Weight lifting free weights shall be incremental with any workout plan to avoid potential injuries.

Machine Exercises

Machines exercises are a great alternative to free weight training, especially when needing to (1) correct muscle imbalances or (2) build specific areas of the body to balance a physique. Machine exercises make lifting easier to perform. The body does not have to balance the weight with machine exercises as machines offer much support and balances the weight for you. You will experience less secondary muscle stimulation from machine exercises because the body will be supported enough and require less effort than free weight exercises. 

Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts

Don’t overthink which route is better as they both can serve a purpose. Every workout program may just require both, especially when dealing with coaches one on one. It will allow trainers to balance physique and utilize the best resource for the time frame in your program. It also introduces muscle confusion as some Machine Exercises can provide effective angles to target different ranges even at a higher lifting weight. This will ultimately allow you to provide your muscles variety which is well known to allow muscles to break down and grow quicker. So now that you have some insight go achieve the fitness goals!

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