Reducing and eliminating bloating. picture of a lady reducing pant size

Beat The BLOATING: How To Fix Poor Digestion

Bloating can feel like it’s taking over your life, making it hard to feel comfortable in your body and causing you to hide in baggy clothes or even skip meals when you are feeling bloated. But the good news is that you can beat the bloat and it doesn’t have to be this way! Learn how poor digestion can lead to stomach bloating and which foods cause bloating and how to avoid them by using digestive enzymes before meals, along with some natural sources that minimize bloating after meals and snacks.

What Causes Poor Digestion?

Foods that cause bloat can do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s the digestion itself, allergies to specific foods, and other times its foods that are poorly digested. That is, even if the body produces enough enzymes to break down food, some may remain undigested after you eat them. To learn how to stop stomach bloating naturally, you need to understand how poor digestion happens in the first place: Too little stomach acid (and digestive enzymes) – If you don’t produce enough stomach acid or your body doesn’t secrete enough digestive enzymes when food enters your small intestine, partially-digested food can move into your large intestine where things get can messy quickly. This triggers Intestinal bacterial fermentation and putrefaction which leads to gas production and bloating. No one likes the feeling of being bloated after every meal, but that feeling doesn’t have to be permanent. As discussed the reason you are bloated has more to do with your body not digesting food well than it does with eating too much or too fast, and there are natural ways to help with digestion and reduce bloating as well. [mailpoet_form id=”3″]

Avoid the Sources of Bloating

Some of the biggest sources of stomach bloating are the ones you might expect: fatty foods, fried foods, too much alcohol, carbonated drinks, dairy products for some (lactose intolerance), and even food poisoning. Have you ever tried a plant-based diet and noticed how bloated you felt after eating foods such as Brussel sprouts, cabbage, turnips, lentils, beans, etc.
But there’s another source of bloating that many people don’t think about – it’s caused by taking certain medications. Certain over-the-counter medications can cause stomach bloating (such as Pepto Bismol), and some prescription drugs like birth control pills or anxiety medication can also cause bloat. It is essential to keep in mind whether these drugs are the cause of your stomach bloating and if so, tell your doctor so they may seek solutions to solve or reduce your upset stomach. Most bloating cases are a by-product of what you eat and how your body reacts to digesting certain foods. Whenever you consume a processed meal, it’s best to be mindful of what ingredients you’re consuming and how your body reacts to them. Minor bloating is usually only temporary and should pass if you maintain a well-balanced diet. However, it shouldn’t be permanent.


How To Effectively Reduce Bloating Quickly

1. Increase Fiber Intake
2. Take Peppermint leaf capsules
3. Maintain an exercise routine
4. Drink warm water (may add green tea)
5. Go for a quick walk
6. Take a probiotic or gas relief capsule
7. Utilize the first stage of digestion; Eat slower and break down meals before digesting

Supplements That Reduce Bloating & Optimize Digestion

Natural ways to reduce bloating are a must for anyone who’s felt uncomfortable post-meal. Fortunately, supplements can help. If you’re looking to reduce bloating after meals, try digestive enzymes before eating and apple cider vinegar. Using these natural strategies together can help improve your digestion, minimize discomfort, and keep you feeling comfortable all day long. Apple Cider Vinegar is a great natural source to increase stomach acidity and digestive enzymes can support the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and advanced proteins to amino acids to optimize healthy digestion. In fact, many people report that they notice relief within a few days to weeks of consistent use.

final thoughts on bloating and poor digestionFinal Thoughts

As we age, stomach acidity and digestive enzyme production start to decrease. If you are new to taking digestive enzymes, allow some time for them to take effect and work to support your digestion as your digestive system builds up. Also, consider speaking with your doctor or nutritionist about other approaches—such as changing what and when you eat or ordering food allergen tests—that may provide you with more insights to reducing bloating after meals. Enjoy meals and remember bloating is not permanent, self-awareness goes a long way to treating the cause and or finding the support one needs to restore optimal gut health.


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