benefits of drinking water

10 Benefits of Drinking Water

Today lets Dive in the why we should consume water or if anything more!

benefits of drinking water toxin complexion digestion oxygen muscles circulation cramps strains mood

It Truly amazes me how many people in society do not consume enough water! It’s said that 60% of our body is made up of water and 90% of our blood is water. Yet we don’t supply the fuel it needs to take on physical/mental demands this world has for us individuals. Let’s observe some of the benefits of drinking water on a daily basis and hope this can unlock and stronger version of yourself!

As everyone loves to start with the benefits. Lets run through the commons and then we will continue to review my top 10 benefits in further details and also calculate the minimum intake of water one should consume daily.

Benefits Of Water

1. Flushes Out Toxins
2. Improves Complexion
3. Aids in Digestion
4. Improves Oxygen to Muscles
5. Improves Circulation
6. Prevents Cramps & Strains
7. Helps Maintain Body Temperature
8. Maximizes Physical Performance
9. Provides Lubrication to both Joints and Spinal disc
10. Improved Mood

1. Flushes out toxins

Kidneys are the #1 organ to eliminate toxins and waste products from the blood and urine and also receive water-soluble toxins from the liver in order to facilitate this process. Drinking water assist the kidneys in flushing waste through the bladder and flushing metabolic waste. Not enough water and toxins the body will hold. Always recommend at minimum 2 cups in the morning as that’s when the body is at its highest point of detox.

2. Improves Complexion

Lets face it I haven’t made a Youtube video on this but if your looking at this you may have come across 30 day challenges drinking 1 gallon a day or a few studies showing that individuals with dry skin showed improved skin moisture with increased water consumption. Aside from the skin moisture, other benefits have been the cleansing of the skin in which some people including myself have witnessed having fewer breakouts!

3. Aids in Digestion

Drinking water during and after a meal is essential for optimal digestion. Water with the assist of other liquids in the body breakdown food so that your body may absorb the nutrients. It also softens stool for those with constipation.

4. Improves Oxygen to Muscles

Water carries oxygen to the cells of your body. Including but not limited to muscles, blood, and organs. The body is made up of an estimated 37.2 trillion cells so why not help the little fellas.

5. Improves Circulations

This can be said for tea time or if your just into hot/warm water. The body naturally causes your arteries and veins to expand when internal temperatures are raised. This effect allows for more space for blood/circulation to be improved so enjoy and nice hot tea before bed.

6. Prevents Cramps & Strains

Water has the great ability to heal in the sense that it helps to relax muscles. Dehydration as we all know amplifies & causes cramps/strains and this is well known in the sports industry. While we are not all in the NBA NFL ect. why shouldn’t we treat ourselves somewhat the same as when it comes to water. Water is a resource we all have!

7. Helps Maintain Body Temperature

The body is amazing self regulating environment. Water has a large heat threshold which aids in maintaining body temperature weather in warm or a cold environment. When the body reaches it high temperature (Subjective to each individual) it kicks in to release sweat and the evaporation of that water from the skin surface allows the body to cool efficiently.

8. Maximize Physical Performance

If an individual is dehydrated by as little as 2% of their body weight. Its been shown to significantly cause a lapse in endurance capacity during physical exercises. Dehydration can lead to insufficient body temperature control, increased fatigue, & decline of motivation.

9. Provides Lubrication to both Joints and Spinal disc

Water as stated before keeps muscles flexible and relaxed. It also maintains when the body is well hydrated, optimum levels of moisture in area such as bones, joints, & protection of spinal cord. It also lubricates and cushions your joints.

10. Improved Mood

Ok you made it this far. Now we’re wondering how it may improve mood? Well lets put this into perspective. Energy levels increased, satisfaction of less aches, less confusion, less tiredness and enjoying some or all the benefits mentioned above. All by simply deciding one day to increase or partake in drinking water on a daily basis how would you feel? This has even been backed by science that shows dehydration negatively impacts moods.

So let’s drink to these benefits! Cups up! Cheers!

Lastly how much water should you drink? Well this is a no hard fast rule as its very subjective to each individual but to review a common recommendation. Here is a simple Calculation to get started!

1. Find your current weight (ex. 150lbs)
2. Divide By 2 (ex. 150/2)
3. Number calculated (ex 75) should be the minimum of water to drink in ounces (ex 75oz)

What have some of your benefits been? Comment below!
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